As usual our 4th Tuesday of the month we learn about our herbs and flowers with Sarah from Basilea. This week its all about Sacrifice Plants ( some call it Companion Planting) and amazing just how much damage happens in the garden when you are not watching. Sarah suggests growing Upland Cress for the cabbage moth as they just decimate plants in no time at all, usually when you are ready to harvest, looks like we are all looking for the perfect meal. The purple sweet potato vine not only offers the most beautiful leaves to add to your summer salads but it is loved by the grasshoppers – such a small insect but has the ability to eat through the garden at a rapid speed. So plant your  Nasturtiums to temp the flying insect pests away from your crops,  French Marigolds and basil near your tomatoes to deter the White fly,and  Fever few as an all round pest repellent. And not forgetting the mixed flowers to attract our insect pollinators.  Calendulas,  geraniums, coriander left to go to seed and keeping in mind as Sarah has suggested many times,  the source of your seedlings. Find a grower who is not using chemical sprays as they store in the plant and a consideration when you will be eating the herbs and flowers in your summer salads.

Community Kitchen offers recipes each week and this week we look at some different recipes for lettuce and breakfast for all the family.

Go to the recipe page and look for today’s date 23/9/2019