Category: Radio & Podcast (page 2 of 3)


Sometimes we forget to recognize just what wonderful businesses we have on our doorstep. Since the fast lane of life has been adopted into most families lifestyles we filter what we want to see, what we want to eat and what we want to hear.

Well 2020 brings new opportunities to COMMUNITY KITCHEN with MY WANDERINGS around the region ( and sometimes beyond) to bring stories of family businesses, innovative food ideas, small farms, highly productive farms but most importantly FOOD .

Today I invited the Savige Family to the table and talked retail and commercial fishing. This is a family of fishermen, fisherwomen and seafood cooks. They know their business.

Three generations of living off ocean farming brings worrying discussions to the family table. John Savige has fished for 45 years, has always adopted sustainable farming practices but with 80% of his ocean farmland in the yellow zone is this a sustainable industry?

Would educated discussion help support this industry?

Will adopting different farming styles for commercial fishing help to keep local regional seafood on our food list?

Is it time to listen to the farmers of the land and the sea?

How do we adapt closures, rules, restrictions into such a delicate integral system to maintain a balance and sustainable food supply for our future generations?

I think this snip from Natalie Savige’s email capped it all:


I just wanted to thank you for the opportunity this morning on your show.

I’m so pleased we were able to highlight the produce we have right in our own very back yard, as well as the importance of maintaining access to it for the community.

Its an issue that not many people are aware of- that if Commercial Fishermen are no longer able to harvest the wild caught product, we will have no choice but to rely on either farmed product or imported product- both of which pose a serious danger to not only our waterways, but our health.  We always struggle to get this message across to the general public as our public image is not good due to either environmentalists who claim that the practice is not sustainable, or the Recreational Fishing Sector; who believe we are over fishing.

At the end of the day we are just another Aussie family trying to make a living, also carrying on a family legacy and doing what we love doing.

It’s the first time in a long time that our public image has been a positive one, thanks to you Annette.



GARDENING with GARY – Step 1 in creating the garden with KOOKABURRA ORGANICS 11/02/2020

Community Kitchen Welcomes our Gardening Guru back to the mic for another year of sharing gardening tips, ideas and encouragement. Australia has seen drought, bush fires, flooding and threat of cyclone in the last 3 months. What does this do to the farmers, the food costs and destruction of crop?

We can no doubt expect to see a rise in fresh food prices, whether its our beef and lamb because our farmers were so affected by drought and we know how lack of water has such an ongoing effect. We now face the flooding of crops and Gary so rightly mentioned that not only does the water effect the crops but also the inability to work on the fields and harvest or pick is just another hurdle.

Is our disconnection to farming and growing foods creating a short sight into what to expect with food prices?

Do the big chain supermarkets really feel the effort when most farmers contract supply at a set price?

Are we aware that smoke haze affects pollination?

Vineyards and two days of smoke haze don’t create a happy crop?

Sometimes I think its worthwhile to put ourselves in the farmers shoes and walk the miles, think of the potatoes in the sodden ground, the lettuces drenched and the snails approaching, the cabbage moth hovering looking for a home and the humidity sucking all the goodness out of the cucumbers and squash.

Gary thinks we have to think outside the box and change our plants to suit the climate, maybe adding Brazilian spinach, gourds and loofas for a more hardy crop when we face such extreme weather conditions.

BUT in saying that he has shared a step by step GETTING STARTED guide for a 1 metre share area, low cost and NO dig.

YOU NEED for 1 metre square garden

  • 2 bags of mushroom compost
  • 2 dozen dried egg shells
  • 1 kilo coffee grinds
  • 2 cups of wood ash
  • 1 bale of rough sugar cane mulch
  • cardboard or newspaper (no glossy pages)
  1. Sprinkle the egg shells (for calcium)
  2. Spread the coffee grinds (for slow release nitrogen and ph neutral)
  3. Spread the wood ash (or pot ash)
  4. Cover the area with a thick mat of newspapers and cardboard that has been soaked or dampened – be generous
  5. Repeat the process
  6. Cover with mushroom compost
  7. Cover with minimum of 2 biscuits of mulch – make sure its well covered to keep in moisture
  8. Walk all over and pack it down to get all the lumps out
  9. Use a paddle pop stick or wooden disposable utensil to test the moisture level – leave it in the bed and check to make sure there is moisture content otherwise hose in the early morning or late afternoon
  10. You can then plant in your healthy seedlings  Gary provides a wealth of knowledge thru his work shops and joins me each month- 2nd Tuesday @ 10 am on Community Kitchen

FAMILY TABLE to your LUNCHBOX – 4/02/2020

Community Kitchen is all about the family table this week whether its the family with children or the grown ups who love a lunchbox rather than takeouts.

The Parents Voice joins me to talk about the transition into school how to make life a little more chilled with a few easy tips.

Taking just a few simple recipes (which you can find on the Recipe post) can make that mid-week meal a little more tasty, interesting and inviting for the family table. This week I have selected a few simple DIPS – home made to lift the night meal, add a snack to the lunch box and leave in the refrigerator to enchance another meal by changing the protein, salad or vegetable base.

Four dips for starters:

  • Baba Ghanoush – easy dip based on eggplant.
    • Use as a side with roast lamb or chicken
    • As a sauce for rice , roast vegetables, lamb koftas, lamb souvlaki
    • Spread as a base for a sandwich
    • Serve with pita chips  as a dip
  • Pesto – based on basil, pine nuts and parmesan cheese.
    • Use your creative side to change the combinations – use kale, parsley, coriander, roasted almonds, cashews
    • Delicious with steak
    • Tossed thru pasta
    • Boil baby potatoes and add pesto and olive oil to finish
    • Use as a salad dressing base
    • Enjoy with vegies as a dip
  • Hommus – chick peas are the champion with this dip.
    • As a base for Greek inspired flatbreads
    • Use like butter on sandwiches or burgers
    • As a side for falafels along side yoghurt and taboulli
    • For a dip with crackers, vegies or pita bread
  • Carrot and Cashew – tasty and colourful using roast carrots and cashews.
    • Add to a curry for colour and flavour
    • Stir thru steamed brown rice or soba noodles
    • Use as a base for salad dressing
    • As a sauce for roast chicken
    • Dollop onto roasted vegies and top with greek style yoghurt and fresh herbs

Loved the mix and match chart I found in a Supermarket give a way recipe book which makes Salads a lot more interesting. By using 4 categories and I’ll list them below it give ideas and helps when you look in the crisper for inspiration.

The bulk (or Protein) base for the salad:

Chicken, Beef, Tofu, Chickpea patties, Prawns and Chargrilled veg

The greens:

Rocket, spinach, lettuce, kale, silverbeet, green beans, bean sprouts, salad leaves, zucchini ribbons

The vegies:

Slaw, tomatoes, onions, avocado, capsicum, grated carrot, grated beets, fresh herbs

The toppings:

Toasted seeds, nuts, croutons, proscuitto, olives, bacon, cheese, boiled eggs

Parents’ Voice

Wonderful to have the Parents’ Voice join us this week and Alice Pryor is an active mother herself who shared alongside some handy tips a snap shot of sending her youngest child off to school. I guess as parents or adults we can sometimes assume that the confident child we see at home is going to fit into  school easily but Alice spoke about the new rituals, eating at  different times and a new environment and some handy hits to help out.

The Parents’ Voice January newsletter talks about GETTING BACK-TO -SCHOOL READY and I’ve listed below the key points but go onto the web and check our the information they offer. I am a Grandmother and still find the reading is useful and I love the passion this group has.

  1. Pack early – from lunches, to notes and to uniforms- helps with the morning rush
  2. Be consistent – from drop off times, to dinner and bedtime – new routines to create
  3. Travel training – for those who travel alone to school
  4. Pack healthy – helps them to stay alert during school hours  – visit Cancer Council’s ‘Healthy Lunch Box Builder’
  5. Be prepared – familiarise yourself with the schools rules, timetables, pick up points – great for both parents and children
  6. BE POSITIVE – kids normally take their cues from their parents 🙂


Last year we ventured into your backyards, lunch boxes, family table, your well being, travel and more……………….And this year the same & more!!

With natural and man made disasters behind us (we Hope) the damage and repair in front and lets hope for a more united, considerate and NO BLAME reaction recovery.

This year Community Kitchen ventures into the regions with OUR RADIO bus, so if you see us in the next few months cooking, bringing local produce into the limelight, supporting local businesses call in and say Hi.

Gardening tips with our guru Gary (from Kookaburra Organics) , wellness with Mandy, my wanderings and travel with local foodies and Jacinta from Hello Travel and Sarah from Basilea, an edible farmlet of flavour filled with flowers and herbs…………………….But that just our regulars. Each week the chat is filled with food, whether its recipe ideas, food facts, history or trends we love to spread and share the world of food.

So lets talk trends and each year in New York the Summer Fancy Food Show hosts an event for purveyors of specialty foods, foods that you and I will see on the shelves of supermarkets and health food shops to follow the food trends we all seem to love. Start to look out for Puffed Snacks, Collagen, Boozy Teas, Lotus and Water Lilly seeds, fancy Gatorade, Oat milk, cheese bowls, snack Balls and CBD (non- active hemp) products. The list goes on and dining takes another bow with trends for Booze free bars, more table to farm, small Cocktails, pasta straws, small casual dining experiences, Pegan diets, time warp desserts, ethical meat revolution, Mezcal, regional round bite size tasters, dark moody bars, heirloom vegies, locally made Sake, mainstreaming Indigenous ingredients and last but not least PESTATARIANISM (eat the problem not our native animals).

Fantastic that we all have the opportunity to be so whimsical with our foods!!

But according to global trend statistics Australia is projected to be the 1/3 fastest vegan market in the world. According to Euromomitor Australian packaged vegan food market is set to reach $215 million this year. Australian Financial Food Editior, Jill Dupleix predict Chefswill enjoy the challenge to create new food trends in the fine dining sector with the introduction of vegan and vegetarian dishes, while the younger market for more casual eating will enjoy different plant based vegan snacks. The reasons for the shift appear to arise from the ‘need to know’ mentality of food origin, health benefits and I feel the introduction of bringing interesting flavors and tastes into the daily diet. Lets face it we all enjoy to eat interesting foods and the only thing holding us back is the creative drive to cook and enjoy.

Each week I bring recipes to the show for you to try at home and this week I have selected 2 vegan based either to be eaten as a meal or as an accompaniment to your meat based protein.

Enjoy !

Ready for Christmas? Recipes, hints and tips for making life TASTIER ……… 29/10/2019

Christmas is coming and over the next weeks prior to  I’ll be sharing some ideas to get the Christmas organising on track.

Believe me this takes the last minute panic and expense away as you can budget by adding a  little to the grocery list each week leading up to Christmas and store away, leaving the fresh produce to the last week. AND of course this is a quick pick up as you have placed your order with the Butcher, Baker and the Fishmonger.

In the TWO OLD DUCKS Savoury and Sweet Celebrations Cookbook  page 11 onwards to 21  we have a complete section on ‘Getting started for your Celebration’ and Menu suggestions and recipe guide. Below a short breakdown and each week more hints, tips and recipes for that tastier Christmas meal.


      1. Planning – points for consideration
        • Who’s coming – how many people
        • Are there special dietary requirements
        • What sort of meal – casual, BBQ, finger foods,  buffet, lunch, evening…….
        • How many dishes – are you having a  hot or cold meal
        • What is your kitchen capable of cooking or keeping cold and make provision within the menu for this
      2. The menu
        • Write it out
        • List the prep plan
        • What can you do ahead of time
        • What can you buy ahead of time and put aside or freeze
        • What do you need to order ahead, eg.,  the ham, turkey, seafood, crossiants ……………………………

Recipe ideas on the Recipe page as listed below:

For fun presents and Christmas decorations, side dishes to consider:

from the Two Old Ducks Sweet Celebrations cookbook

  • Ginger Bread (pg 147)
  • Christmas Cutter Biscuits (pg 150)
  • Coconut Ice (pg 162)

from the Woolworths FREE November 2019 issue (always good to know that if you don’t own a cookbook these are free and good for inspiration

  • Mozzarella, melon and orange Salad (pg 43)
  • Potato and green beans salad (pg 46)
  • Smoky eggplant dip (pg 47)







Sarah from BASILEA chats about MINT 22/10/2019

Summer has arrived according to the mint plants – they have doubled in size and started their rambling throughout the garden. Of course the varieties are numerous from the common, old fashioned, peppermint, spearmint, apple mint and chocolate mint there is always a flavour to add to your salads, infuse for tea or just enjoy the vigorous growth and colour they add to the garden.

The common mint is small and almost fury leaf in appearance while the old-fashioned is a rambling plant with a burgundy stem. The old-fashioned is great for cooking and Sarah recommends using the peppermint for savoury foods and the other mints for sweet dishes.

Some suggestions:

  • Great to pop some chocolate mint in the chocolate cake mixture to infuse the flavours
  • Crushed mint infused in water is a cooling drink after a day outside
  • Mint has antibacterial and antifungal properties
  • When planting out dig a bigger than usual hole and plant the mint deep in the ground to keep the plant moist – mint loves water and sun
  • Plant the mint along a path or walkway so it doesn’t take over the garden – but in saying that Sarah suggests that mint growth is connected with water supply


Great recipes using Edamame Pods and Chick Peas along with garden greens

+ a little tip I found in the Supermarket recipe book – an easy crumb technique using yoghurt and fresh  Rosemary and day old bread

Touring China with Jacinta today 15/10/2019

Great when we can travel to another country with just switching on the radio and enjoying the ride. Jacinta from Hello Travel takes us on another culinary journey, and even I am surprised where we end up. This week she was enjoying the rain on the Yangtze River after hosting a small group tour to the north, mid and south of China. Such a vast country and when you think of Chinese the mind does travel to Cantonese food and you know the typical selections – Sweet n’ Sour Pork, Cashew Chicken, Mongolian Lamb but the cuisine is far broader with the influence of weather helping to make some of the food essential for survival. Northwest China is mostly covered with dessert and mountains, the Silk road links China and the Middle East so already we start to see the differing spices, proteins and vegetables that make up the daily diets. Interesting to hear about the Sichuan region with its spicy pepper and panda bears, the Yak tea  or Butter tea that keeps the locals warm in their cold Tibetan tempuratures. Xinjiang, a region that borders Kazakhstan, Russia and Mongolia  known for its lamb and a street food referred to as Kao Rou, meat charred to order. I share some recipes (go to RECIPES – 15/10/2019)) for Lamb skewers seasoned with cumin, chilli powder and chilli flakes after the lamb has been marinated and the fatty juicy lamb is ready to eat. Also a tasty recipe for Sweet and Sour Pork with wonderful flavours of five-spice powder, Shaoxing wine, fresh ginger and soy sauce for the marinade with all the expected vegetables and sauce to accompany the meal.

Also following a few new spices showing up in recipes and restaurants, look for Zhoug (or Zhug), Sumac and Urfabiber.  Used a lot in Israel and Middle East cooking adding that taste of difference.

Zhoug is a green sauce (go to RECIPES – 15/20/2019)

Sumac is a plant with a fruity tangy spice – burgundy in colour and usually sold ground. It is one of the main ingredients of the spice blend Za’atar.

Irfa biber is a dried Kurdish chilli pepper, a member of the capsicum family and imparts a smoky raisin like taste.


Gardening in small spaces 9/9/2019

Our regular gardener Gary from Kookaburra Organics spoke about water retention in the garden and with the weather as it is we need all the advice we can find.  Adding mulch will of course add the extra protection we need and as always the information given goes further than just covering the beds with sugar cane much.  Adding 1 % of carbon  will increase water retention by 16%, use newspaper, worm casting, compost, mulch and have you ever considered banana stalks. Evidently they are just full of moisture and great to lay in the garden to provide a constant source of moisture that is released over time and breaks down as mulch. Small crop gardens hit the discussion again and with an upcoming workshop happening in Caboolture in November get prepared for some great ideas and innovative ways to grow your food in small plots or balconies.

Sal from Caboolture Property Maintenance shared some simple ideas to bring watering systems into the garden. Keeping the gardens together not only allows for plants to rely on shade but the watering is more effective and the cost of installing dramatically reduced. Think about what you want to water, how much water is available and where the future gardens are going to be.

Spring lunch boxes in our recipe section for this week with refreshing ideas for all the family.

Sourcing from the local food bowls 16/9/2019

Nigel , the Sauce Man from the South Burnett joined me this morning to talk about seasonal cooking. Formally from Tasmania where local foods are in an abundance as the regions are within short driving distance. His Grandmother cooked and adapted her preserving to what she had in abundance, exactly as Nigel is continuing to do. Eggs from local poultry sheds, excess cauliflowers from the end of the season, abundant strawberries never go to waste. Cooking on a commercial 6 burner gas range with 25 litre pots this job isn’t for the faint hearted, its a labor of love, and a love of food.  Fortunately Nigel has had extensive experience in the kitchen, travelling throughout the world and collecting inspiration along the way. The pickles, preserves, relishes, chutneys and sauces are outstanding. Visit the website

Edible herbs and flowers in the garden with Basilea 23/9/2019

As usual our 4th Tuesday of the month we learn about our herbs and flowers with Sarah from Basilea. This week its all about Sacrifice Plants ( some call it Companion Planting) and amazing just how much damage happens in the garden when you are not watching. Sarah suggests growing Upland Cress for the cabbage moth as they just decimate plants in no time at all, usually when you are ready to harvest, looks like we are all looking for the perfect meal. The purple sweet potato vine not only offers the most beautiful leaves to add to your summer salads but it is loved by the grasshoppers – such a small insect but has the ability to eat through the garden at a rapid speed. So plant your  Nasturtiums to temp the flying insect pests away from your crops,  French Marigolds and basil near your tomatoes to deter the White fly,and  Fever few as an all round pest repellent. And not forgetting the mixed flowers to attract our insect pollinators.  Calendulas,  geraniums, coriander left to go to seed and keeping in mind as Sarah has suggested many times,  the source of your seedlings. Find a grower who is not using chemical sprays as they store in the plant and a consideration when you will be eating the herbs and flowers in your summer salads.

Community Kitchen offers recipes each week and this week we look at some different recipes for lettuce and breakfast for all the family.

Go to the recipe page and look for today’s date 23/9/2019


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